Within months of assuming control of the company, the new chairman of Hunan Telecom replaced most of his senior executives with friends and associates whose personal loyalties to him trumped their own business sense. Yet even as institutional resistance crumbled, the new chairman's plans for aggressive expansion couldn't help but spark unease among the few independent voices left on the board.
 said on
September 20, 2010
Just on a personal note, I am now particularly fond of using 怎么会有问题 in almost any situation I can. Need to get a new visa, 怎么会有问题? Having relationship trouble, 怎么会有问题? etc. Highly recommended.

 said on
September 20, 2010
Great lesson!
 said on
September 23, 2010
一家要和美国最大通讯公司合并的公司的大老板真的会雇佣一个资格这么不合格的律师而把大公司的将来托付在他道德的身上吗? 难道在中国关系这么重要吗?



 said on
September 23, 2010
@Xiao Hu,

哈哈哈,别太当真啦,不过我们泡泡中文确实有一个道德顾问 :)


 said on
September 26, 2010

其实,我爱泡泡中文的一个原因是因为戴维和何毖的幽默方式和我的很像。会话里面的情况发生的可能性虽然很小但是夸张是幽默的好基本。(exaggeration is a great basis for comedy)。

 said on
September 28, 2010
@Xiao Hu,

哈哈,我真不知道,因为中国没有这个职业 :P

Exaggeration is a great basis for comedy >> 夸张是幽默的基础 (基本不是名词);另外,我们现在不怎么说“会话”(有点儿过时了)了,说“对话”。


 said on
September 28, 2010

 said on
September 29, 2010







 said on
September 29, 2010
@Xiao Hu,




 said on
October 10, 2010
I was just reviewing this lesson and realized that, to me, it is a sterling example of a perfect lesson in all respects. Such lessons make me aware that I can't consider myself at the intermediate level (in that I can't understand much of them until I've looked at the vocabulary list and transcript), but they do serve to bring me up, little by little to that level. Your discussion left me at the end with no vocabulary questions at all and previous lessons had prepared me on some vocab issues. After listening, following the transcript and coming back to it a few times, I can now follow along nicely without the transcript and the new vocab has stayed with me. But the acting played no small part in making this a perfect lesson for language learning. What made the acting perfect was that emotional emphasis was such that no words were eaten and incomprehensible, and yet it was a totally natural fast-paced speed. For me there is NOTHING out there as effective in language learning as your lessons. Thank you, Popup Chinese!
 said on
March 14, 2020
I can't agree more with the comment above. Your materials really are excellent, guys.


 said on
March 25, 2020

Thanks Ben. Really glad you're enjoying them!
