"Don't worry about me," the voice on the phone hoarsely whispered after its wave of violent coughing finally subsided. "I'll be down in an hour so we can keep working on that report."

Join us in our Absolute Beginner lesson for today as we learn a polite way of telling others to keep themselves and their infections out of your working space. There is a lot of simple but useful mandarin in this podcast. In addition to introducing a number of common adjectives you can use to express your fatigue and frustration, we also give you a simple sentence pattern you can use whenever you're feeling under the weather yourself.
 said on
December 22, 2009
popupchinese 是 最 难 听 我 知道 的 博客。我 很 喜欢。
 said on
December 22, 2009

谢谢你喜欢popupchinese! 欢迎~
 said on
December 22, 2009

Yea why are you using absolute beginners? Paglino9 told me about you. 我也知道你的中文水平很高~

By the way, 难听 means "sounds horrible", 难听懂 means "hard to follow" or "difficult to understand". So I guess you meant "泡泡中文是你知道的最难听懂的播客"?
 said on
March 8, 2010
It feels as if the last 2.5 months just vanished with nothing to show for it. I am finally back to working on Popup Chinese lessons, trying hard to catch up again on Absolute Beginners and Elementary lessons.

This one was really straightforward, I think. I didn't need the transcript at all (well, by now I would expect that all Popup Chinese frequent listeners are fairly knowledgeable about diarrhea, what causes it, and its various consequences and side effects), except for the only one word that was not on the transcript :-):

I didn't quite catch the word for "frustrated". Is it shòucuò 受挫?
 said on
August 24, 2018
Could 我要回家 also mean 'I will return home'?

Or would 'I will return home' be represented by 我会回家的?
 said on
August 24, 2018

Both can have that meaning -- Chinese is like any other language: there are different ways to communicate most ideas. If someone is feeling homesick, they're likely to add the closing 了 to the statement about going home( 我要回家了 ).

