Forty seconds from re-entry, as the shuttle began to hit the first thin wisps of the upper atmosphere, Edward unstrapped himself from the pilot's chair and clambered out towards the galley. "I'm not feeling too up on my descent velocities," he explained as the rest of the crew looked on in numbed horror. "Thought I'd get some last-minute review in before we hit terminal velocity."

Popup Chinese reminds you: cramming is not an effective learning strategy. Your best approach is to lay aside a modest amount of time on a continual basis and incorporate Chinese study into your other routine activities. We recommend taking several new tests each week while reviewing the questions and vocabulary you've previously answered incorrectly. This provides a low-pressure way of mastering the HSK that will ensure you don't forget key points in high pressure situations.
 said on
September 2, 2009
wow..quite difficult I guess. looks like pretty easy,but after all my answer is wrong,hehe..
 said on
September 2, 2009

o(∩_∩)o...,most of HSK suff are pretty tricky...
 said on
September 3, 2009

Hey, just a quick note to say "welcome", 欢迎你 !


 said on
November 1, 2012
in #9 why is 自 the only correct answer?

Please give examples of how 从,自,于,由

differ in usage. They all mean "from." I couldn't find any explanation from the grammar books I have.
 said on
November 4, 2012

来自 is a fixed word meaning “to come from". 他来自中国.

You can look at 于 as a formal version of 在. It's usually used in very formal sentences. For instance, 我生于八十年代 (I was born in 80s).

从 is usually coming before a place. Most common structures are 从...来 or 从...到. 从中国到美国有多远?

由 has the meaning 从 does above, so you can use 由 in those two structures above too. It just sounds more formal. 由 doesn't have to come before a place, and there is another common structure of 由, which is 由...组成/构成 (to be formed with). 这个公司由十个人组成 (This company is formed with 10 people).

Mark Lesson Studied