Your company is finally making a significant push onto the Chinese mainland. There are several options under consideration by the board: partnering with a local firm, looking for an acquisition, or creating a local team under your supervision to execute a winning strategy.

With your track record and local contacts, you are the strongest advocate of option three, and have spent weeks laying the groundwork for tomorrow's meeting. And now the time is almost upon you. It's midnight the night before your presentation and you've just polished off your slides for the board. The text and pictures are perfect: compelling, attractive. They make the decision obvious. And so after giving it one final look, you move your mouse up to the save button and.... in less than the time it takes you to think "autosave is unreliable", the screen turns black.

This has happened before, but never quite like this: for somewhere deep inside your computer, you can hear a faint sizzling sound.
 said on
October 20, 2008
Useful the way you repeated the vocab at the very end. Do people also call a flashlight a shoutong? Is that less common than shoudian?
 said on
October 21, 2008

You can also say "shou3dian4tong3", that is "手电筒", while 手电 is more common though.

 said on
October 21, 2008
能不能告诉大家课程前头的那首歌叫什么?我认识它的声音,但是记不住它的名。谢谢 :)
 said on
October 22, 2008
I have no clue.... :)
 said on
June 9, 2009
seems some lessons have 'text' pages with buttons to play the lines individually while others don't? this one doesn't...its really nice when they do...liked the format of vocab explanation but missed the line by line...even just a quick run-through helps especially when the real-time speach is a bit slurry/unclear...doesn't even need full explanations all the time but just a clear re-read to hear everything pronounced fully...

also, don't want to complain but feel compelled to say this isn't a very well performed dialogue- think you could have gotten a better reading out of the actors especially the last few lines...and perhaps a special lesson on common phrase-mashings? the way the guy says 是不是忘了 and 好像是 all comes out as one smooshed together mass which is probably how a lot of people contract that together in daily chinese but takes a lot of getting used to...wouldn't be a bad idea to kind of pick out and high-light common contractions/mash-ups in daily oral chinese and do a lesson on the way 是 seems to be able to turn into some kind of "ri" sound and i don't mean an 儿 suffix just the "sh" sound completely morphs...
 said on
July 4, 2015
@weijin: 我的女朋友说那是一首特别有名的功夫片的歌。它叫【沧海一声笑】。