This week at Popup Chinese, we take you behind the scenes of a recording session as Grace and Li Zhiqiang struggle to coax a decent performance out of a new voice actor. This is a fairly difficult intermediate show, but if you've been listening to us for a while, we think you'll like it. Not only does it help show what our recording sessions are usually like, but it provides a good excuse for talking about some of the less obvious words and phrases Chinese people use to describe more complex emotions.
said on September 17, 2014
For some reason I'm unable to listen to any of the pod-casts and therefore I can't up-grade my account since it simply doesn't work. Best/Jens
said on September 18, 2014
@Jenslindau,Are you using an iOS device that doesn't support the flash player? If that's the case, you won't be able to play the shows through the site, but you can still get them. Just grab the most recent 200 shows or so from the iTunes podcast directory: