The good news about living in China is that you're unlikely to get abducted and forced into a satanic ritual. Part of this may be a lack of personal experience with raising the dead, but part is also a lack of the basic linguistic tools necessary for communing with the masters of darkness. Which is really a cultural issue, because it took us about five minutes to explain what a pentagram was to our confused voice actors....
 said on
March 13, 2014
Very funny! Hopefully I will not have to use the specialized vocab to much!
 said on
March 21, 2014
unauthorized user?
 said on
March 21, 2014

That can happen if you're logged out for some reason but accessing something that only premium members should. Or it could be a software bug on our side. Are you still having trouble? If so -- what exactly is triggering that message for you?

 said on
March 26, 2014
well i can download everything except downloading the MP3 files, which is weird. Can you fix this problem ?

 said on
March 27, 2014

It looks like your premium account expired earlier this month: the access problems would be stemming from that. We should have sent you an email with an offer to continue at a discount. If you didn't get it can you send me an email and I'll send it manually?


 said on
July 9, 2015
Too funny:) Awesome voice acting and discussion!!
 said on
February 20, 2016
Is there a dialogue-only version of this?