There are certain segments of the Chinese population whose terminal detention have led them to complain to fellow inmates that the Chinese government doesn't have a sense of humor. We believe this is not strictly true, since it's the people in the Chinese government rather than the institution itself who lack the introspection necessary for self-deprecation. Or that is the message we're taking from the hysterical fits the Chinese Internet seems to be throwing our way each time we try to view Monday's lesson which makes the mistake of praising Fearless Leader 6.0 for being less robotic than version 5.0.In any event, while we'll be back with more podcasts soon, at least for today we're taking a break from thumbing our nose at authority by pushing out another HSK test. If you're interested in measuring your official level of Chinese proficiency, consider taking this and all of our other HSK tests. And if you have any questions about the test itself, feel free to ask below, or drop a note in our community forum. And good luck.