posted by Bjarte 凌远 on August 21, 2012 | 4 comments
Hey guys, I'm wondering if you can help me out with something I've been wondering about for a while. How do I pass along a greeting from someone to a friend? for example, "Michael send his regards", or "Sara says hi". Would 他想給你說你好 work?

Thanks for an awesome website guys!
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rbagnarol on August 22, 2012 | reply
据我所知,你可以这么说:“Michael请了我替他(对你)说一句 ‘你好’” 或 “Michael请了我替他问好/问候”



drummerboy on August 22, 2012 | reply
@bjarte, I believe you could also say Michael 让我给你带个好。 或者, Michael 给你带个好。 Of course, I will defer to Echo for corrections :-)
trevelyan on August 22, 2012 | reply
I'd also add 问候. A search for usage online pulls up:
Echo on August 22, 2012 | reply
@drummerboy & trevelyan,

“请替/代我问候sb” is a bit formal. Usually we say 给/替我带个好 (send my regards), or Michael让我给你带个好 (Michael sent his regards)


