posted by BDubs on June 13, 2014 | 2 comments
My wife took a beautiful picture of a field of flowers, and she wants to post on FaceBook. She wants to ask: "谁撒落这一路芬芳?" in the byline, but this does not quite work when translated to English. Can you help me come up with an English equivalent?
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Grace Qi on June 13, 2014 | reply
I've got one - "fragrance on the road"! Lol.
trevelyan on June 13, 2014 | reply
The Chinese strikes me as romantic and somewhat flowery. I think you would get closest to the same rhetorical effect in English by quoting Woodsworth or one of the other 18th century romantics, i.e.:

"And ’tis my faith that every flower, enjoys the air it breathes."