With amazing research now suggesting that Beijing swifts, the tiny creatures most residents pass by without noticing, are some of the most well-travelled birds on the planet, averaging an astonishing 124,000 miles of flight in their life, barely landing for years-on-end, and migrating as far as the southern tip of Africa. this week on Sinica hosts Kaiser Kuo and Jeremy Goldkorn invited Terry Townshend, founder of the environmental education organization Eco-Action and author of Birding Beijing for an inside look at how the scientific community discovered these amazing facts, and then more generally for a discussion of how the changing urban landscape in Beijing is affecting the natural environment for these amazing creatures.
 said on
December 20, 2015
Birding Beijing


Action for Swifts


British Trust for Ornithology


Jonathan Franzen, Purity: A Novel


Cement and Pig Consumption Reveal China's Huge Changes


Mark Lesson Studied