Our selection for today is "Autumn in the Ancient Capital" (故都的秋) a short piece of non-fiction written by Yu Dafu (郁达夫, 1895-1945) that describes the author's love for autumn in Beijing. This story is often taught in creative writing classes, and what's notable about it is the way it describes Beijing in intimate detail. Part of the story's seduction might be due to its wonderful use of adjectives, particularly as verb complements. Internalize this and watch the quality of your own writing spike upwards.

As for the subject matter? A quick office poll confirms that late autumn is our preferred time of year around here. There's something special about a quiet walk through the hutongs on those near-winter days when your breath almost hangs in the air and Beijing becomes like a city out of time.
 said on
May 20, 2009
Excellent choice and very well written. Good to have another story that is not Dream of the Red Chamber as well. I like to put these on my iPod as I find they're more challenging to listen to than a lot of the dialogues. 书面语 and all.
 said on
May 21, 2009

Glad to hear that you like it. It is actually one of my favorite stories written in that period of time.It sounds extremely 亲切 for me when the writer described Beijing(我老家)and used 北京话. The autumn is really the best season in Beijing too.


 said on
May 21, 2009
Which bits of the story are Beijinghua? Just the section at the end where he quotes people talking during the storm, or is the written language specific to Beijing as well?
 said on
May 21, 2009



 said on
May 22, 2009
 said on
April 30, 2012
I believe the recording says "我的不远万里" however, the text reads "我的不远千里" just curious which is correct? Thanks :-)
 said on
May 2, 2012

“我的不远千里” is correct. From 杭州 to 青岛 doesn't have 万里,haha.


 said on
June 29, 2012
This provides some additional insight on this wonderful piece, albeit the speaker is not the most exciting. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjIyMzU0Mjg4.html