And this is as difficult as the HSK test gets. Level 6 on the new HSK is the most advanced level on the test. So the fifteen questions on this sample exam are somewhat tricky. Your challenge on these questions is to identify the sentence with the error in grammar or word choice. Good luck!
 said on
July 4, 2011
i love chinese
 said on
July 4, 2011
 said on
March 28, 2016
I don't understand what's wrong with this one (#3 D): 你总算回来了!我足足等了你一年三百六十五天。

I thought the problem was that saying both 一年 and 三百六十五天 was redundant. But then I looked it up on Baidu, and found this same sentence as another option on a gaokao practice test, where the question asked to identify redundancy. And it was not labeled as the correct answer, i.e., it was not the sentence with redundancy.

Is there some other problem with it besides redundancy then? Or is it your test's mistake?
 said on
April 1, 2016
Should be 你打算, instead of 总算
 said on
April 3, 2016
What's wrong with 你总算回来了? Surely that's not it, as 打算 is just a different word completely that wouldn't really make sense here.

Can a native speaker/teacher weigh in?
Mark Lesson Studied