Today we're pleased to release our first set of test-prep exercises for students working towards Level 1 certification on the new HSK test. The challenge on these questions is to pick the only sensible response to each question. Be aware that in a real test environment, you will not have accompanying audio for these questions and have about 45 seconds to answer each one.
 said on
January 8, 2011
Wow - didn't realize there was such a precipitous drop in difficulty with the new test.
 said on
January 8, 2011

Yeah. The original three levels have been "compressed" into levels four through six, but even level six is considerably easier than the original HSK test as managed by BLCU. We're thinking of putting together our own test tied to very specific advanced grammar points. Time will tell.


 said on
January 8, 2011
I second the sentiments of ToneandColor, that was nothing like the prior HSK practice thingies.

Would it be possible to post a overview of the new HSK test? I (and I suspect other subscribers) would be particularly interested in

- comparison to prior HSK, expanding on dave's comments

- number of questions per test section, type of test sections, time allotted for each

- score required for pass / fail or level

- test locations: this is a big one because it has been difficult for me to locate test centers and contact info in the States

- I've heard recipients of HSK advance level certification receive a poppup chinese T-shirt - is this true?

 said on
January 10, 2011

We will put up a brief introduction for each level of the new tests in the future, which will solve all of your questions above :)

About Popup T-shirts, it may be a bit difficult now, because we have given out most of our larger T-shirts. We made those T-shirts in Beijing, and they are all "Chinese size", which means smaller than we expected.... If your size is no larger than American L, we would love to send you one :)

 said on
January 11, 2011
Very cool - looking forward to the HSK intro information - thanks in advance.

And I wanted to share a phrase used in the "If You are the One, Two" podcast that I thought was particularly interesting:


I will try to bust out that gem when next I can in conversation.


Frankie Rizzo
 said on
June 28, 2011
Hi, I'm going through the New HSK tests but seem to be unable to do them online. Are they only available for download? It's helpful to get the system's feedback on the tests (timing, correct/incorrect) like in the old tests plus having the system review the mistakes.
 said on
June 28, 2011

You should have full access and everything seems to be working over here. Is it a specific browser that's causing problems for you? And do you see the test page or is the system just redirecting you elsewhere.



 said on
June 28, 2011

We've tested on a couple of different browsers and aren't having any problems. Can you try logging out and then logging in again? Or clearing your cache in case this is a javascript problem.

Anyone else having problems?

 said on
June 28, 2011
I logged out and in again, cleared the cache but am still only able to do the tests as downloads. The lessons aren't highlighted so lessons aren't linking online. Hmmm... Am using an iMac OSX Snow Leopard with latest Safari update. Also downloaded the latest version of Firefox but same problem. Especially troublesome for the writing exercises since they are only available online and there is nothing to download.
 said on
June 29, 2011
 said on
August 27, 2016
Why I can't see the online ver??