The categories the HSK uses to organize its questions are surprisingly arbitrary. As unlike the older exam where there was some consistency in the terminology used to describe question types, the new HSK throws a number of very different question types into its reading section. An example of this can been seen with our reading exercise for today.

You've run into questions like these before: your challenge on these questions is simply to rearrange the passages provided into the correct order. As it turns out, these questions are classified as "writing exercises" when they take place on the word level, and "reading exercises" when they take place on the phrase level. There are other types of reading exercises, but this is one of the first you will encounter on the new HSK test, so we are starting with it. Good luck!
 said on
March 29, 2011
This quiz didn't seem to work. I didn't get the results or the correct answers after pressing on submit.
 said on
March 30, 2011

The way to do this quiz is to put these clauses of each question into the right order. In order to do that, you need to figure out what the right order is and then drag these clauses to the right position. If you get the order right, these three clauses will automatically become one sentence.

 said on
December 1, 2012
 said on
December 1, 2012
Mark Lesson Studied