It's the classic story: boy meets girl for a whirlwind romance, girl's husband appears, boy hotfoots it out of the country and hits the bottle. This week's selection is a genuine classic, and if you've seen the abominable near-sequel that reunited most of the cast with its director two years later, probably an accidental one at that. Listen in to see if you can guess our mystery film this week, and get your guesses in to
 said on
September 26, 2008
Wow, this one is a real oldie. I've not actually seen it myself but know enough about it to make an educated guess, and a quick Google confirmed my suspicions.
 said on
September 27, 2008
@imron - I'm sure you've got it. :) Pick up the sequel if you catch it in any video stores. I found it down in Shanghai and it was worth watching just for the cognitive dissonance of seeing the lead actor play a figure from the French resistance.

The propagandistic elements are much more grating, but it does have a cool flashback within a flashback within a flashback motif.
 said on
September 27, 2008
Classic! I love this movie.
 said on
September 28, 2008

Haha, you can write your answer to me. See if it's just the right one. Good luck:)

 said on
January 4, 2009