A lot of people love this director, but his failure to cast Bradley Cooper in a leading role has once again earned him scorn in Echo's eyes. "There's no reason they couldn't have put him in a minor role," she said after watching the first half of the film. Her suggestions on suitable positions: a comely street-urchin, vegetable salesperson, or sidekick of the sidekick. "He could help with the typing," she added, hunkering down to watch the film to its somewhat illogical conclusion.

This New Years, we're happy to release another edition of our semi-regular Chinese movie guessing game. Listen to our short clip from a recent Hollywood movie dubbed into mandarin. And if you can guess the film, send Echo an email at echo@popupchinese.com and be entered in a draw for a month of free premium access to Popup Chinese. And Happy New Years!
 said on
January 2, 2011
Happy New Years guys. Nice to see FF again, and am looking forward to all the new stuff this year.
 said on
January 11, 2011
Hey Guys,

The answer of this Film Friday is http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0988045/.

 said on
January 11, 2011

混淆视听啦!忽悠!接着忽悠!全是骗人的!你们明明的说,“franchise”. 这部电影并不是Franchise的一部分!还有啊!男主角帅呆了,谁都知道他是帅哥。这些破线索居然是骗人的!谣言惑众呗!哼!

对了,Franchise 用中文怎么说?
 said on
January 12, 2011
@Xiao Hu,

哈哈哈,我绝对说的是大实话,这男主角在我心里可不帅,众所周知,我心里的帅哥是Bradly Cooper。男人跟女人的审美观点差距也太大了,这男主角就是一个大叔嘛~~




 said on
January 16, 2011

OK...我承认这个男主角没有BRADLEY COOPER那么帅呆,不过无论是大叔的那种帅还是大哥的那种帅他凭借本身的魅力和气质就很帅罢了。

 said on
January 16, 2011
@Xiao Hu,


目前我对帅哥和帅爷爷(比如George Clooney)还比较感冒儿,但是对帅大叔实在不感兴趣,说实话,一说“大叔”基本也就跟“帅”字无缘了,在我们中国人的意识里,提到“大叔”就说明这个人脸上已经没了线条,也可能不喜欢锻炼身体,导致身材发胖走型等等,其实跟年龄的关系倒并不大。


 said on
January 20, 2011


小罗伯特 唐尼哪里显得胖呢?他的身材很棒啊!他不是《钢铁侠》吗?一个超级英雄的身材怎么可能肥是胖的呢?

那你觉得,小罗伯特 唐尼,演戏演得怎么样呢?
 said on
January 20, 2011
@Xiao Hu,

小罗伯特 唐尼脸上没有棱角分明的线条感啊~~但是乔治克鲁尼就不同了,很有魅力啊。我不是说他像老爷爷,我是说虽然他也不年轻了,但在我眼中依然很帅,而且其实比年轻的时候更有魅力,有成熟的味道~~

至于小罗伯特 唐尼的演技嘛,因为他的长相问题,所以我没有太关注他的演技,哈哈~~我真是典型的以貌取人啊...

