Are you planning to take the HSK test? See whether you're ready by taking this fifteen question sample HSK exam. These questions are designed at the difficulty level of the first grade of the old HSK exam, and correlate with levels two to three on the new HSK test. We have many more of these tests in our archives. If you can routinely score at or above eighty percent, consider testing at the Intermediate level instead. Good luck!
 said on
July 25, 2010



任我们怎么劝,他也听不进去。Why is this the only correct answer? Why am I not allowed to use 凡是......都......

Can someone give me more examples including this clauses.
 said on
July 25, 2010

We should put a noun or noun phrase after 凡是. For example, 凡是女孩,他都喜欢(He likes anyone as long as she's a girl)。凡是我们说的,他都听不进去(He doesn't listen to anything we say)。

 said on
December 4, 2010
Give me lessons on my mail.
Mark Lesson Studied