After a ten minute bruising assault on Javier's lower spine, Xixi turned her attention to his upper back. And while he had enjoyed getting the odd Chinese massage in the past, Javier found this to be a new experience. As Xixi plunged her hands into the small cavity below his rib cage, he felt his bones snap in three different ways. Pushed beyond the limits of their endurance, the cartilage, bone and muscle protecting his internal organs had simply given up.

HSK Tip: #827 - we're not saying that the HSK will save your life, but watch out for Sichuanese masseuses.
 said on
April 14, 2010
 said on
April 14, 2010


 said on
April 15, 2010

Heh heh.
 said on
March 2, 2015
About the story for questions 3 and 4: Isn't 2000 read as 二零零零年 when talking about a date of graduation? 两千年前 sounds totally different from 二零零零年.

So how does this make sense:

Q: "我"为什么会说错?

A: "2000年”和“两千年前”读起来只差一个字。