Attention new recruits. After 84% of last year's class were caught crossing Customs and an additional 10% were found out while checking into their hotels, the Agency Directorate has ordered the commencement of emergency classes on basic spy decorum. Join us in this Elementary Chinese podcast as we cover the four elementary rules you need to know for how not to get caught.

 said on
September 21, 2009
哈哈。 Absurd litte treasure, guys! Good vocab -I didn't know 中情局.

But China Unicom - isn't that the iPhone company?
 said on
September 21, 2009
@ Henning

Yea you're right. China Unicom will be selling the "real" iphone. The big news is the new iphone rival! The new "Ophone" (the name kills me) is supposed to be expensive, but there is a discount if you sign up with the China Mobile 3G network.

This article explains it better than I do, and I had to read it twice just to figure out who was selling what.

On another cell phone marketing note- China Unicom's ads have definitely seeped into my subliminal. I can't get 3G生活 out of my head!

More effective than products made by Mennen.

 said on
September 21, 2009
Hm, there have been "iPhone-Killer" announcements now for 2 years. None of those products has lived up to its promise. The very fact that the phones are called "iPhone-Killers" signals to me that they are not really trying to break new ground (and neither does the name "oPhone").

But coming from that podcast: Maybe the "iPhone killer" in China is not the competition but the mobile network?
 said on
September 21, 2009
@henning - Brendan is too hard to please. I actually have a soft spot for China Unicom. Even if their coverage isnt as good as China Mobile, I bought a wireless Internet card from them a couple of years ago that gave unlimited Internet access at 56k speeds anywhere in Beijing.

It was great. 120 RMB a month for Internet anywhere and everywhere. A total bargain!
 said on
September 22, 2009
Lovely podcast guys. Do I smell a series developing?

 said on
September 24, 2009
打 过 去 is a bit confusing. Is it a set phrase for calling someone back?
 said on
September 24, 2009

打 is to call. 过去is actually a directive complement.

for example,

if A is calling B, and the signal is bad, A will call B again. so A would say:


or, B would say:


过去and 过来indicate directions.

过去- from the speaker to someone else.

过来-from someone to the speaker.

 said on
September 24, 2009
@Gail - I think its a good question whether that's the most natural way to say call you back. My ears perked up on the phrase 打过去 too, mostly because I'd always instinctively veered towards using 回来 for back.

What is the more natural way to say it? Are there any common expressions we're missing that mean the same thing?
 said on
September 24, 2009

haha, this is a hard question.

actually we have several different ways to say I will call you back:





also for Call me back later:




 said on
September 25, 2009
One last thing on spies. I met a man a few years ago who told me he had spent time in China in the 60s. He was a white man (probably in his 70s at the time we spoke) and I told him that I had read that there were not any Americans in China during that time. He said he portrayed himself as a Russian. So he was an American, acting as a Russian. He said he still gets a yearly visit from a certain government agency telling him that he cannot talk about these things because they were still considered classified. So I can see why foreigners in China still get asked this question.
 said on
September 25, 2009
That would make a lot of sense. A lot easier to train someone to pass for Russian than pass for Chinese. I've been asked on occasion and just have to laugh. If I were a spy I'd be making a lot more money, that's for sure!
 said on
November 3, 2009
Brendan, Dave, 非常感谢你们把,“出口” 这个行业破坏掉啦!我原来想去中国做进出口但是现在呢?由于这节课别人问我,“你做什么工作”这个问题,如果我回答,“我做出口”的话,人家肯定会知道我就是间谍啊!

 said on
November 3, 2009
Xiao Hu 你好!

我叫xiao xin,和你的名字差一个字儿。你的留言太逗了,我是中国人,我的母语就是中文,但我觉得你的中文也和我的差不多了。不错,哥们儿!
 said on
November 4, 2009
Xiao Xin 你好,




 said on
November 4, 2009


 said on
November 4, 2009


我也觉得这个网站的气氛很轻松幽默。我原来是个不折不扣的 粉丝而且我绝对不会用其他的教材,那样的话像对伴侣不忠似的,我满脑子就是,不过慢慢我越来越喜欢这里。尤其是因为在这边有 Echo,还有 Brendan。我虽然有时候觉得 Brendan 的态度有点太讽刺但我还是觉得他蛮厉害。特别是因为他5年之内能够当一个专业翻译者。我啊,已经学习国语快8年了但是我还是没办法做一个专业翻译者,佩服!

 said on
November 4, 2009
@Xiao Hu,

哎呦,我好像听见有人夸我了...真开心呀,呵呵,得赶紧现身一下 :)

谢谢辣椒大王的夸奖,像我以前说的,你的中文已经很好了,所以我觉得,你来中国是非常正确的选择,因为在这里,你会找到更多提升中文水平的空间和辅助的材料,这里的机会也更多。你如果想再进一步提升你的中文水平,我建议你多读中文书,像我们short stories里边的那种,中国作家写的好书。我给你推荐台湾女作家三毛的书,不知道你有没有看过,她一生出过十几本作品,你可以从《撒哈拉的故事》看起。她是我最喜欢的作家,一生充满传奇色彩,差不多周游了整个世界。她写的文章用词很直白,但是故事非常有趣,而且文学性很强。你有时间的话可以找来读读。

你的爱情故事听起来很浪漫啊,祝福你们 :) 相信有了爱情的伟大力量,你2010年的幸福生活马上就要开始啦。

 said on
November 5, 2009

谢谢你的建议,我一定要看的(撒哈啦的故事)这个小说。我常常读网站的文章还有一份杂志叫,“读者“ 的文章。很久以前我试图读托尔金的,《哈比人》和 《魔戒大王》但难度可真高因此我一直读第一页并没有经过到第二页。我觉得《读者》的内容才适合我现在的水平吧。








And the rest as they say is history.
 said on
November 5, 2009
@Xiao Hu,



 said on
November 6, 2009

你说的一点都没错。我对她揭示我的感情时我就是这么想的,如果不是图的话我肯定会失败了. You'll never succeed if you don't try. 对不对?
 said on
November 6, 2009
哈哈。 浮泛不够。也要沉闷。不然海关会在问很多问题。
 said on
March 2, 2010
"国防语言学院"-Funny to hear it included.
 said on
May 26, 2012
"The four rules of being a spy": 0'27", is that 间谍四大准则?
 said on
May 27, 2012

