The longer reading passages on the HSK are often the most challenging segments for beginner students. Even though the texts themselves are relatively rudimentary, the sheer density of hanzi plays to the advantage of those who can quickly skim written text. This is something that often comes easily only with significant exposure to the written language, making these exercises come closest to separating beginner and intermediate students.

The challenge itself is simple: read the passages provided and answer the question denoted in parentheses at the end of each. And be sure to think - the answers are not always spelled out in black and white.
 said on
June 11, 2009
 said on
June 12, 2009
I'm utterly baffled by the use of 请出 in number 2.
 said on
June 12, 2009
我在报纸上看过“请出”, 比方说, “把抗生素请出家庭药箱”。 我想意思就是要求把东西放在其它的地方 -- 其他的地方要比较理想, 比较安全。
 said on
June 12, 2009
@toneandcolor, @menglelan,


 said on
June 12, 2009

“请出” 的意思其实是get rid of。它的重点在于把某件东西从某处拿走,至于是不是放到其他地方并不重要。比如“把抗生素请出家庭药箱”,它的意思是把抗生素拿出药箱。但是和“放在其他地方”没有关系。

 said on
June 12, 2009
@menglelan, @Echo


Leave it to Chinese to take two characters you learn in the first month of study and make an obscure and subtle word.
Mark Lesson Studied