In this episode of Film Friday we're joined by a special guest fresh from the hinterlands of Zhengzhou. In addition to giving us the lowdown on the Henan squat, Anthony helps us introduce a film we're pretty sure you've seen. And there's more reason than ever to write with your guess. In addition to the international accolades that come from winning Film Friday, our prize this week includes a sleek, black and very, very sexy Popup Chinese t-shirt, mailed right to your doorstep.
 said on
May 29, 2009
Older film with a major celebrity. This is in the bag, sirs.
 said on
May 30, 2009
there's no player bar? just the logo...?
 said on
May 30, 2009
That's strange. It was here before. Updated anyway.
 said on
May 30, 2009
 said on
May 31, 2009
man barrister...I guess I don't feel like its an 'older film' haha...good soundtrack too
 said on
May 31, 2009
There are some moments in life where the only way to keep from crying is to make yourself laugh. That is the inspiration for this short story as I took my second overnight hard seat trip in 3 days. I had 8 hours to occupy and so naturally I opened up the notebook. Enjoy

Title: Sleep is a luxury I cannot afford

"Your money is no good here" the dark faceless mistress of fate said to me as I stood outside the door of the 硬座车. Even while her words are still registering my thoughts slowly drift down a slow current of disbelief to my pockets. I reach deep into my pockets but all my fingers find are the lint covered lining of a pair of quality foreign made denim jeans. My sight starts to turn upwards again to meet the penetrating glare of fate's stare. I know once out eyes meet again, my doomed fate will be revealed to me. My luck circling the drain of the toilet is all my ears can hear over the pounding of my weakened heart.

My soul is on display as anguish and sorrow rip through my face like razor claws tearing through pure white stationary. At this point I realize that fate is not interested in money like mere mortals, but my most prized possession. She can see the weakness radiating from my eyes as the horrors of an 8 hour over night hard seat pulse through my stomach. She knows my price and is willing to push. she wants to stick the knife deeper into my fatal wound while I beg for salvation. The weight of a soft sleeper and my everlasting soul strike a balance on her hand held scale.

Just as she is reaching for her prize from my outstretched hands, the train horn sounds. "All Aboard!" it shouts in its monotone language so that everyone from any background can understand "Get your ass on the train!". For the first time I see a glimmer of fear in fate's eyes as she sees her opportunity slipping. For me neither happiness nor sadness is shown on my face, for I know I am a doomed man.

Just as the transaction is about to be completed my body is shoved inside the car by a surly, weather worn construction worker. With out an apology he looks at me almost with an expression of "You can thank me later". At this point I realized he had already made his deal with fate, and was still condemned to life on a hard seat.

So while my ass grows numb and my brain turns to mush, I can lay down my head knowing China doesn't own my soul.... just yet.
 said on
May 31, 2009
That's hilarious Anthony. I wasn't kidding when I said my friend and I flew back from Inner Mongolia just to avoid the necessity of another 8 hour ride on the unheated cattle box that passed for a railway car on the Beijing-Baotou circuit back in 2003.

Consider yourself hereby inducted into the Grand Order of the Wooden Slab. Membership restricted to those who have traveled at least six hours cross-country without padding. Grand Pooh-bah status for anyone who does it with a standing-only ticket.

和谐号 riders need not apply.
 said on
June 1, 2009
The paddling of the swollen ass for the induction ceremony was quite unpleasant.

You know the irony of it was I had the opportunity to buy a soft sleeper. I was about to upgrade my ticket, but I was 40 kuai short. And the most painful part was I had just spent 80 kuai taking the taxi to 北京西 when I could have easily taken the subway. So not only was my ass sore from the train but from also kicking myself in the butt. Lesson learned the hard way.

Which leads me to my favorite Confucian expression

By three methods we may learn wisdom:

First, by reflection, which is noblest;

Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and

Third by experience, which is the bitterest.

 said on
June 1, 2009


 said on
June 3, 2009
@卡梅罗 - great soundtrack. ;)