We sent our troops into the studio with a simple request for vintage science fiction, but it wasn't until we conscripted the duck they began to get the picture. So listen up if you're a fan of imaginative and futuristic stories. In addition to covering critical everyday vocabulary like "photon cannon", our podcast contains some revelations about Echo's film preferences that may shock and amaze....
 said on
June 17, 2009
China has Star Trek?

Do you have Star Trek on TV now?
 said on
June 17, 2009
They've got Chinese dubs of most of them by now henning. You need to hook yourself up with Youku somehow. It has fully replaced television in this household. :)
 said on
June 18, 2009
hey brendan, whats the intro music?
 said on
June 18, 2009
It's Radio in My Head, by Pu Shu. Awesome song.
 said on
June 18, 2009



 said on
July 25, 2009
哈哈哈哈, 我聽過最叻嘅一場播客, 加油!
 said on
July 25, 2009

请问,什么是“叻嘅”? :)


 said on
July 26, 2009
 said on
July 26, 2009

谢谢你的夸奖,也谢谢你的回答 :)


