Several of you did it, and we feel both proud and slightly discomfited at your success identifying our clip from Space Buddies last week. That was a hardball - a mandarin dub of a film about puppies in space. And so while congratulations are definitely in order, you'll understand why we went with a more conventional selection this week. If you've seen the film this clip is from, we're betting you enjoyed it. Because everyone loves a heartwarming family comedy....
 said on
April 18, 2009
Bah, Space Buddies was easy.
 said on
April 18, 2009
Yeah, this one was actually a little harder than Space Buddies. There aren't that many cute space movies.
 said on
April 18, 2009

You are pretty fast actually :)

 said on
April 19, 2009
I think I've got this one, although I'm not totally sure. A lot easier than Space Buddies anyway. Nice to see you guys are keeping up on a variety of genres over there though....
 said on
April 20, 2009
I got this one! I hope Echo checks her email soon!
 said on
April 20, 2009

