Evan Welsh stared in disbelief at the development manual he had found on his desk that morning. The Beijing office had photocopied the master document and couriered it overnight after his own team had run into difficulty assembling the modulator. With trans-Pacific communications clumsy at the best of times, Evan had found his minor in Chinese studies a surprisingly valuable asset: he had unwittingly become a critical link driving the success of the project.

But now his head was spinning. For although the manual was printed in English, on the crucial question of proper torque, several large exclamations points capped a space above a nest of hostile grass script. The handwritten notes spilled over the margins and had a feeling of both urgency and danger. It was safe to say the ascent of China was proving a challenge in a large number of ways. Interesting times, indeed.
 said on
February 28, 2009
难死了, 考一百要学一百年的中文。
 said on
February 28, 2009
Yeah. This one is really difficult. I'm going to lick my wounds and try again later. Then I'll probably have some questions for you guys.
Mark Lesson Studied