Although the HSK has some real puzzlers, it also throws its fair share of softballs. In today's test we set you up to lob a couple of them out of the park. The questions that follow are about as easy as the HSK ever gets: if you have difficulty with them you face an uphill struggle to a good score on the beginner exam. If you get perfect or close to perfect however, you should think about moving on to the Intermediate level.

We expect more advanced students will find this test a breeze. If you're one of them, bask in the comfort of your past accomplishments, and steel yourself for the more difficult content coming down the pipeline.
 said on
November 20, 2008
9/15 - a bit easier than most days, but hard to say really. biggest hurdle for me seems to be learning all of the basic vocabulary. day by day.
 said on
November 20, 2008
It would seem that with question 9, you've accidentally left the answer in with the question.

 said on
November 20, 2008
thanks imron - corrected.
Mark Lesson Studied