We feel its appropriate to come clean and admit that maybe there aren't very many classic 1980s action films featuring flamethrower-wielding women named Ripley. Our congratulations to everyone who guessed correctly. In the spirit of making things difficult for you this week though, we've picked a much harder clip. Although it comes from a film that probably constitutes an international blockbuster, we wouldn't be surprised if some people find it somewhat obscure. Good luck!
 said on
November 14, 2008
There doesn't appear to be an mp3 for this yet.
 said on
November 14, 2008
thanks Imron - just re-uploaded it. thx for the catch, and good luck. ;)
 said on
November 14, 2008
LOVE this movie. 太唯美,这个电影的原作者的每一部作品,我都很喜欢。


 said on
November 14, 2008
So should I provide the English name, or the Japanese one? ;-)
 said on
November 15, 2008
absolutely and completely lost this week. sounds like an interesting film though.
 said on
November 17, 2008
imron, 你不要太厉害吧~~


 said on
November 17, 2008
哈哈,这次就算我运气好。我不久前看了这部电影的中文版 :-)
 said on
November 18, 2008
"the truth will out", eh? Nice to know we've got a shot at picking one you might not know.... someday. ;)
 said on
November 18, 2008
heh, I think now might be the time to quit while I'm ahead :-)
 said on
November 18, 2008
It may take a few years, but I'm pretty sure that - statistically - we will eventually run into a film you haven't seen.
 said on
January 12, 2009
Vocabulary from this lesson:

人类 [rén lèi] a human

难怪 [nán guài]

刚刚 [gāng gāng] just now

楼上 [lóu shàng] upstairs

又吵又闹 [yòu chǎo yòu nào] noisy and rowdy

小孙女儿 [xiǎo sūn nǚr] granddaughter

人手 [rén shǒu] help; manpower

够 [gòu] enough

看着办 [kàn zhe bàn] do as one sees fit

死定了 [sǐ dìng le] "dead meat" "it's over"

上等 [shàng děng] top class; first-rate

货色 [huò sè] goods

反正 [fǎn zhèng] anyway

签约 [qiān yuē] to sign a contract

运气 [yùn qi] luck

 said on
January 12, 2009

我已经爱上你的生词表了 :)

有一个词-- 小孙女儿 [xiǎo sūn nǚ'ér]你看是不是应该标成“nür”-- 轻声加儿化。

Keep up the good work :)


 said on
October 27, 2010
Can you post a link to the IMDB page for this film?
 said on
October 27, 2010
We can't seem to get on IMDB here in China so, maybe DON'T post an IMDB link and post a link to the Wikipedia page instead?
 said on
October 27, 2010
We can't seem to get on IMDB here in China so, maybe DON'T post an IMDB link and post a link to the Wikipedia page instead?
 said on
October 27, 2010
Ak... IMDB is blocked? What philistines!

Here's the answer anyway - we should have put the link up ages ago. The link is to Wikipedia, url-shortened so the answer isn't obvious on first glance to anyone who still hasn't guessed. This was definitely one of the harder ones, although very few people guessed M as well:

 said on
October 27, 2010
Yeah, I haven't been able to get on IMDB for the past few days. At first I thought it was just my computer, but after trying several computers and not being able to get on IMDB...well one can only draw but one conclusion.

Not that IMDB is all that important, and there are several versions of IMDB in China, but, why block it to begin with? 奇怪哦!

Besides, I run a film appreciation/teaching English through film class at the school, I relied on it heavilly for preparing the lessons. It would be nice to have it.

Hopefully it's just a server problem on IMDB's part and it will be back up soon.