Five years ago there wasn't a single cafe in this old hutong district a mere ten minutes east of Houhai and the Drum Tower. Despite the explosion of small bars and coffee shops since, Nanluoguxiang remains one of Beijing's most pleasant areas. The neighborhood's older and more traditional architecture offers a welcome break from the oppressive vastness of other parts of Beijing, while the noise here is generally under control and aggressive peddlers have yet to descend on the area.

This has made Nanluoguxiang less of a party street and more of a community for Chinese and foreign translators, writers, photographers and artists. The sense of community on the street is palpable, and it doesn't take long to learn people's names and find a favorite cafe. Whether you want some coffee or are just looking for a quiet place to grab a drink and tackle some work, Nanluoguxiang is a good choice.

Join us in today's podcast as we learn a bit more about this street, see its gradual commercialization through the eyes of Echo, Apple and 9527. Although this recording is much more Chinese podcast than explicit lesson, we've highlighted some of the more difficult words and names on the vocab page. If you have trouble listening to Chinese at speed, you'll probably want to check it out before hitting the podcast. Enjoy.
 said on
November 11, 2008
Never been to Nanluoguxiang, although I was in Houhai a few years ago when it was a sleepy cafe district and Sanlitun was the dominant bar area. Sounds like things have changed though. Which is a pity, Houhai was a great place to have an afternoon drink down by the water, especially in the winter when the whole area was quieter, and more like a park than anything else.

It's funny how quickly things like this change in China, especially in the areas where real estate prices are low and it's easy for people to set up shop. I prefer going to a nice quiet place to catch drinks with friends over hitting jiuba street and having to deal with the constant selling, selling, selling... but all it does is feed the cycle by encouraging more bars to open up. And it's hard to enjoy a cup of coffee when the five bars next door are all blasting "Hotel California" at top volume in their increasingly viscous struggle for pedestrian traffic.

Maybe one of these days I'll open my own.
 said on
November 12, 2008
我去年差点每天都去一家酒吧就叫pool bar在南锣鼓巷和鼓楼东大街的那丁字路口旁边,在Mao的对面,也经常去南锣鼓巷的咖啡厅、餐馆吃东西。我可以给大家一些建议。。那条街有一家咖啡厅叫Alba,有全北京最好吃的三明治,还很便宜,只要15到25块钱。我觉得的Fish Nation也比较好吃,不太贵。。还有北京最好吃又便宜的越南餐厅,就在那丁字路口往西走3、4分钟就要到了


 said on
November 12, 2008

Yeah, houhai's a terrible place to have a coffee. I wonder how that one street overlooking the water full of always empty, overpriced cafes survives.

Houhai's still good for iceskating and a leisurely walk though. It's actually a pretty nice short walk from houhai to nanluoguxiang.
 said on
November 12, 2008
我认识那个the pool酒吧 -- 去过一两次. 还有Mao和Alba. 但是我不同意大家对后海的歧视. 南边的那个荷花市场又吵又贵,但是如果你从银锭桥往北走,不需要时间j就会到一个很舒服的小地区. 咖啡厅安静点儿. 我以前有的时候在那里跑步了.

还需要说后海那儿有"胡同Pizza" -- 北京最好的小pizza店. 他们的咖喱鸡肉pizza太帮了. Still a great place, even if 银锭桥 deserves getting nuked.
 said on
November 12, 2008
原来大家都是老北京阿 :)

大家都说到那个pool bar,什么风格的?介绍一下吧,去南锣鼓巷的时候总是经过,但是从来没去过。(它旁边的包子店倒是去过几次 :) )


我很同意S说的,三里屯偶尔去一下还可以。不过现在在靠大马路边上,也就是3.3的南边开了三里屯village,不知道大家知不知道,集吃喝玩乐穿一体的现代化综合shopping mall,刚开了几个月,建筑风格不错,在年轻人中也很火了。苹果店也在。

 said on
November 13, 2008
Sorry, but i'm a bit baffled by the humming or whatever that was at the beginning of the podcast.
 said on
November 13, 2008
sounds like the cheerleading squad :)
 said on
November 13, 2008
@swigr - it's an audio teaser we whipped up. just experimenting with a few things.
 said on
November 13, 2008
@brett - you are welcome to the cheerleading squad :)
 said on
November 13, 2008
This reminded me how much I miss this part of Beijing. At 小心 the fuwuyuan taught me the invaluable 意大利式特浓咖啡 in exchange we provided practice for the English pronunciation of 草莓奶昔. The yeasty pizzas were the only western style food I was ever tempted by in Beijing, though the almond cake wasn't bad either. We'd see the fuwuyuan riding along 帽儿胡同 to work there in her pink down coat and go for a coffee after skating on 前海. How did it survive the widening of 南锣鼓巷 - we left shortly after and it seemed to take a big slice off?

(What am I doing still in Australia?)
 said on
November 14, 2008

听你的描述,感觉一幅活生生的画面就在眼前,充满了怀念的气息。有时间要回来看看啊 :)

 said on
November 14, 2008
@nkletnieks - never had the almond cakes at Xiaoxin's, will try them out sometime. To be honest, I just came back to Beijing myself earlier this summer - probably left for Shanghai about the same time you left China - they'd just finished ripping up the street as part of their cultural improvement project.

Mao'er is a still a bit of a mess - they're re-opening the waterway on the east side of Houhai and turning the south side of it into a park, so they've ripped down the hutongs on the south side of the road and have encased the entire area in those sheet metal construction blinds. They've also dressed up the area with these black Victorian lamps, so there's a bizarre contrast to it all. I don't know what the hutong just south of Mao'er is called, but it cuts right through the construction and is a nice walk: lots of crickets in the summertime. If you walk down it at night you also come from the quiet of a dark alleyway right into the bustle of Houhai.

As the street itself gets busier, a lot of the crowd that prefers quiet is slowly migrating to some of the places near the Drum Tower or Lama Temple. There are a few more upscale shops on Gulou Dong Dajie itself (bakery, wine shop, etc.) but it's all pretty much the same otherwise, especially on weekdays. Am writing this from Zhazha's, which would be exactly the same as you remember it.
 said on
November 17, 2008
@echo, @trevelyan Thanks for your comments and update. The rebuilding south west of the canal was I think inevitable, as it was excluded from the preservation plans for the area. The street lamps are a bit of a worry though. I should be back for a while at least in the next year or so.
 said on
November 23, 2008
why not have a video of this conversation so we could see the..mmm.. cheerleaders? i suppose seeing their lips movement could also assist in our learning, hehe.
 said on
November 23, 2008
video? let me second the request for a video of either Apple and Echo, although I'll probably skip the famous-male-podcaster series.
 said on
December 15, 2009
我想 这里是高级播客的,所以大家应该用汉语说话。什么时候不知怎么用汉语表达自己的意思 才用自己的母语表达。
 said on
July 16, 2010

 said on
July 17, 2010

向你说一声不算太迟的“欢迎”,欢迎你加入我们的泡泡中文大家庭!我看到你的介绍上说你是中文专业毕的,你的中文用得很流利 :)

 said on
July 22, 2010

我相信你会很喜欢加入我们泡泡中文家庭。这里有 Echo, Brendan(何毖大哥), David (幽默先生)这么多的好老师和教材。再过了几个月你的中文肯定会更流利!而且这里的博客的内容又幽默又令人难忘的所以好记一些。



 said on
July 22, 2010
@Xiao Hu,


 said on
July 22, 2010
On the impending fate

of our beloved 南锣鼓巷. Piece by the New York Times.

The "Time Cultural City" planned to replace Gulou, not surprisingly, is being sponsored by Cartier
 said on
July 25, 2010

呵呵,好久没见!你最近好吗?你能够来到这边吃老火锅的话我保证这是令人很难忘的一件事。当然泡泡-ies 都知道我是辣菜大王,当然我的辣量很高不过吃老火锅连辣菜大王也会觉得很辣的!这里的好的火锅店很多很多!南山火锅,奇奇火锅,赵二火锅,这些店的名气最大但没有名字的火锅店也算特别好吃!我小区大门外的火锅店也非常好!这里的烤鱼也好吃,有一家店很有意思,它没什么装修,坐位是在外面,环境很破,但是鱼的味道最爽。

 said on
July 25, 2010
@Xiao Hu,



 said on
July 28, 2010

其实昨天我去很小的火锅店叫做 《李外婆火锅》,这个店很有中国特色的,所有的炉子都是瓷砖的,装修很有中国古老特色的,甚至啤酒是在小碗里倒的。到处都有李外婆的头像,她很可爱! 火锅调料很低到,比《南山火锅》地道! 而且火锅调料很新鲜,很好吃!

 said on
July 28, 2010
@Xiao Hu,



 said on
July 28, 2010

我对重庆的老火锅以上瘾了! 我的那个朋友批评我没有创造性因为她问我想吃什么我不加思索的回答,"火锅", 因此她改问法,她现在问的是,"小虎,你想在哪儿吃火锅?"

当然我不能每天都吃火锅,太贵了! 偶尔吃一次就可以好了.

你不是说去小肥羊大部分时间吃不辣的圈的菜吗? 你能够来重庆的话,我觉得没有辣的圈就会辣死你了! 重庆老火锅实在很辣很辣!
 said on
July 28, 2010
@Xiao Hu,


哈哈哈,你朋友的问法真有意思 :)

 said on
August 3, 2010

那你肯定吃不了重庆的老火锅嘛!无论在这里吃老火锅, 火锅调料总是辣得很!我第一次去南山火锅,我的东西吃得少然后主人文我,“小虎啊,你为什么吃这么少呢?”



 said on
August 4, 2010
@Xiao Hu,


