This week we present you with a Hollywood classic based loosely on a book based loosely on reality. In the process, we have to deal with incomprehensible Greek names, an uncommon measure word and some impressive Chinese chengyu useful for debasing your gutless foes. As with every week, if you think you know the film, be sure to write for a chance at a great prize: free premium access to Popup Chinese!
 said on
October 31, 2008
The sequel starring Harrison Ford was less of a success.
 said on
November 1, 2008
You've seen it? I noticed it on Youku when we were preparing this and was surprised since I hadn't heard of it. It came out at a good time in his career too, so the remake must really have sunk like a rock.
 said on
November 1, 2008
It took me a while to get this one, but I think I've got it. The giveaway for me was the word Echo repeated as 某某. When the light dawned it was understandable why you skipped it... good selection.
 said on
January 4, 2009