Ryan had barely emerged blinking from the trench when a phenome whistling past his ear sent him scurrying back towards safety. "I haven't had enough training," he stammered at the captain, "and I didn't sign up to get shot at."

"No-one wants to get killed, but that's a risk you have to take with the HSK." The commanding officer stuck his head over the top, squinting towards the sun in the direction of enemy lines. "Looks like an aspectual particle," he said at last. "The poor thing is probably more afraid of you than you are of it."

HSK tip #4223: the aspectual particle is more afraid of you than you are of it.
 said on
December 5, 2008
14/15 - I am the King of the World on this one.
 said on
December 5, 2008
Nine correct here. I can understand most of the ones I got wrong in retrospect. Or at least think I do. But I am confused by question #6.

Why are there two le's in a row? I know that this is the past tense, but this still does not make sense. Shouldn't the correct answer be 上, as in "to catch up"?
 said on
December 5, 2008

The first 了 is "liao3",which is the complement of 来 in the sentence. 来不了(liao3) means can't make it. 了(liao3)means be able to or be able to complete, such as 吃不了/受不了/买不了. The second 了(le5) here shows the past tense.

For "catch up", you say 赶上/跟上. 我跟不上你。 I can't catch up with you.



 said on
December 5, 2008

她感动地流下了眼泪。She cried emotionally.

她感动得流下了眼泪。She was moved to tears.


 said on
December 6, 2008





 said on
December 6, 2008
Beat me to it :P

I'm just gonna delete my comment then :)
 said on
April 30, 2009
Questions like question 5 or the following are always a problem for me:






Is there some general rule to help solve them?



 said on
April 30, 2009

呢 is the most tricky one among all of them. Here are usages of it.

1、疑问,用于是非问句以外问句。(Used in questions but not "yes or no" questions)

a、特指问句(specific questions) ——你问谁呢?

b、选择问句(alternative questions) ——这样做对不对呢?

c、反问(rhetorial questions) ——何必大惊小怪呢?

2、指明事实而略带夸张(used to point out the fact and exaggerate) ——今天可冷呢。

3、表示持续(used in contiunually movement) ——他睡觉呢。

4、用于句中停顿(used to show the pause in the sentence) ——其实呢,她不来也好。

Question 5 in this test is the "alternative question".


 said on
May 2, 2009



here, "吧" is used at the end of a sentence indicating doubt or uncertainty.

i hope this help.

 said on
May 2, 2009

here is the usages of "吧" as a particle.


1. 用在句末,表示恳求、提议、请求、命令等语气 [(used at the end of a sentence) indicating entreaty, suggestion, command, etc]。如:我们想听听你的建议,你说说吧!

2. 用在句末,表示同意、认可的语气 [indicating agreement or acknowledgment]。如:好吧,我一定去;就这样执行吧。

3. 用在句末,表示疑问语气,带有揣度的意味 [indicating doubt]。如:他现在同意了吧?你弄通了吧?

4. 用在句末,表示估量、推测语气 [indicating uncertainty]。如:他自己总该知道吧;老王会到这边来吧?

5. 用在句中,表示停顿,带假设语气,并带有列举性质 [indicating a pause]。如:说吧,不好;不说吧,也不好

Mark Lesson Studied