In today's sample HSK test we read you two relatively short passages and then ask three questions about each designed to measure your level of comprehension. As in the real HSK, you will find these questions much easier if you skim the accompanying questions first, and listen to the passage with an ear for the answers. Knowing the terminology heading in can make a decisive difference in terms of your understanding of the spoken text.
 said on
November 1, 2008
I haven't been able to download this one via the RSS feed (in both iTunes and NetNewsWire).
 said on
November 1, 2008
nice video! We just re-uploaded the MP3 and republished this lesson, and it's accessible under iTunes for me right now. Let me know if you still have a problem with it.
 said on
January 29, 2009
 said on
February 13, 2012