Our clip today has it all: useful language for subverting the local establishment while showcasing the amazing vocal diversity in mainland film-dubbing circles. And for fun, we're happy to offer useful advice on pronouncing Colin Firth's name at no extra charge. So take a listen. And if you can identify our mystery clip, be sure to write Echo for a chance to win a free month of premium access. Good luck!
 said on
May 6, 2012
I wonder where I can see a Chinese dub of this film...啊...回忆.

Yes, this voice actor's voice is about three and a half octaves lower than the actual actor.
 said on
May 6, 2012

BTW: His "creepy role" phase films were among the top of the top of the worst of the worst films that I've seen. I also have to disagree with you about one point, I think that this film is the director's very best work to date.
 said on
May 7, 2012
@Xiao Hu,

当然是DVD商店啦 :)


 said on
May 14, 2012
A decent number of you guessed this. Echo will email the winner a bit later today:


 said on
May 29, 2012
David,那两你最不好看的电影是什么?我猜它们是License to Wed和What Dreams May Come.也可能是Death to Smoochy或者‘九个月。’