Our selection for KTV Wednesday today is "Father, Mother" by a girl named Wang Fei. What's that you say? We've already done Wang Fei? Not this one. Facing the prospect of being completely overshadowed by her superstar namesake, this Wang Fei adopted the stage name Wang Rong, a homophonic play on the name of a famous female protagonist from a classic Wushu novel. In case we missed the connection, she even sings about it.

In person Wang Rong is smart and funny. She's also one of the mainland's more anonymous music stars in the sense that while everyone has heard her music, only a small minority could probably link it to her name. That is changing.
 said on
February 25, 2009
这个歌手还有一首歌非常出名:芙蓉姐夫 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzM0MTM0MA==.html



 said on
February 25, 2009
Chinese Internet memes.... I remember seeing her photos all over the Internet a year or two ago. We should do a lesson on her sometime, and then also 很黄很暴力.
 said on
February 26, 2009
 said on
February 26, 2009

是滴 :)


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