When early cartographers decorated their Oriental maps with dragons, we believe they were alluding to the brutal, remorseless and savage beast known as the HSK: many are the unwitting travelers who have fallen into its quick jaws, and many more are those who struck out against it only to find their wits stripped in the carnage that followed.

Fortunately, though China be the land of adventure and dragons, our HSK tests are the digital equivalent of Google Maps. Not only will we see you through the fray, but we'll let you do it from comfort of home, dressed in nothing more than your underwear. In that sense, we're even an improvement on the real thing, since official exam centers still frown on naked test takers.
 said on
October 8, 2008
11/15. Better than the last "Beginner".

On the way I encountered one of my most feared opponents: The positioning of the 了:




Regarding your intro: No, I am *not* sitting here in my underwear. Although there is nobody here besides me yet, I still don't dare to undress at work

 said on
October 8, 2008
Oh, now I see. I overlooked that 保持 + 两天 word order thing! Sorry!
 said on
October 8, 2008
no worries henning.

you're right that these questions are essentially testing the same thing as well. Once you've got proper word order down, none of them should be that difficult.
 said on
October 10, 2008
12/15, my best so far. I may yet slay the beast someday!

I'm getting a good feel for word order these days. 居然 and 毕竟 were my Achilles heel on this one. This test confirms my suspicion that (for me, at least) I need to keep hitting vocabulary and the grammar will come.

And as to the underwear question: I'm not tellin'. :-)
 said on
October 10, 2008

So glad to hear that:)It's also a good way to learn new words from tests actually. You'll find that some questions(esp. those you didn't get) are really unforgettable after a while.



 said on
January 11, 2009
In question #1, how should "绝不仅仅是" be read?

a) 绝 / 不仅仅 / 是

b) 绝不 / 仅仅 / 是

or another way; or can the whole thing be taken together as a set phrase?

Is the meaning of the whole sentence "He was definitely not joking"?
 said on
January 11, 2009



Mark Lesson Studied