They found the exam over the second hill, milling listlessly in the brown grass that spread across the valley under the noonday sun. The man in black boots crouched in the mulberry copse, glassed his target, then raised his weapon and sent its buckshot tearing across the veldt. And then the thunderous crack of the rifle was resounding between the hills and the rocks behind the HSK were splatter-stained with a crimson decoupage.

I kindly reckon we just killed the HSK, the man in the boots said. Let's move in to get a better look, the second said. And they went forward and found the exam - once so terrifying - just a pretty little thing. A little pretty sad little thing.
 said on
February 20, 2009
请教, 以下有什么区别?---

情绪 ,情感 ,感觉

 said on
February 20, 2009




 said on
February 28, 2009
Echo老师, 谢谢!!!

 said on
November 2, 2010
I could not get the exact meaning of Q6. Can anyone help?

他们将自家饲养了几个月的土番(wild?)鸭宰杀了,做成一只只(each one of them?)具有乡土风味的风鸭(a duck dish?).

They slaughtered the wild ducks they had raised for a few months at home and prepared each and every one of them into an authentic country style duck dish.

 said on
November 2, 2010

Yes, just two things: I think 土番鸭 is the name of a certain kind of duck, so no need to translate it; 风鸭 is a short-term of 风干鸭, meaning dried duck.

 said on
November 3, 2010

那可不可以把土番鸭翻译成,"Tu Fan Duck"?
 said on
November 4, 2010
@Xiao Hu,


Mark Lesson Studied