In today's sample HSK test we take a safari out into the savannah of Chinese grammar to a place where the hunters are the hunted and a misused word can cost you dearly. Or perhaps you can do that while we stay behind and guard the camp. Assuming you make it out without being mauled by sibilant fricative, we'll kick up our feet, share a drink, and make plans to conquer Mount Intermediate.
 said on
September 30, 2008
A breeze! Truly excellent site, by the way. Looking forward to more advanced exercises.
 said on
September 30, 2008
Feeling mauled. :-( I'm still trying to climb Mount Beginner. I love these HSK prep exercises though. Keep them coming!
 said on
October 1, 2008
Thank you guys!

@vladimir.dutton, we will have another HSK Advanced later this week, hopefully you'll enjoy it:)

@BMG, no worries, 加油. I remember that you did pretty well in Intermediate Tests too.

 said on
October 3, 2008
Interesting site, thank you! A suggestion: it would be good to have popup pinyin / translation text on the "wrong answers" page, maybe even an explanation of what the right answer should be.
 said on
June 11, 2009
Another one...question 13 after submitting answers, it shows 干 as "to f***"...just want to let you know...
 said on
June 11, 2009
@schooley.n - thanks for the tip. it is definitely an accident. the popups on the answer pages have not all been manually edited to make them 100% accurate. The reason for this is that we didn't originally intend to have popups on the answe pages.

We're currently reviewing them for the older lessons and will switch the popups back on when that's done. Thanks for bringing this up and spurring us to get it fixed right away. :)
Mark Lesson Studied