Power outages in the neighborhood are delaying our release of Film Friday - we'll be releasing the show later tonight instead of in the early afternoon as usual. In the meantime, why not try your hand at today's Advanced HSK test. These exercises about as difficult as the Advanced HSK gets. Your challenge is to identify which section in a lengthy text has an error in grammar or word choice.

If you do poorly and are new to these questions, don't feel badly, but do try to figure out why you've gotten the answers wrong since you will be tested on them in other sections as well. If you need help, feel free to ask questions either here in the discussion section or over email with echo@popupchinese.com. And those of you who do well deserve a pat on the back: even native speakers have difficult with these sorts of questions.
 said on
November 21, 2008
ouch. i'm not going to share my score i did so miserably here. in the interest of getting better and assuming other people are flailing here too, why don't we just start with question #1. The error is supposed to be somewhere in here, but I don't see it:

>> 却没有到医院接收治疗

Should it be 去 instead of 到? Or is the problem with 接收, or something else?
 said on
November 21, 2008
I would say it's because you wouldn't 接收治疗, but rather would 接受治疗.
 said on
November 21, 2008
7/15 in 21 minutes. Well, at least that's 2 better than last time , and 4 minutes faster also :-)

For this style of question, I would find it incredibly helpful if in the answers you were able to provide a more in-depth explanation of the correct answer - not just for questions I got wrong, but also for the ones I got right. I would like to be able to make sure I got them correct for the right reason and not for something else :-)
 said on
November 21, 2008
A first step would be to provide the correct sentences so we can see the delta between the wrong and the false version.
 said on
November 22, 2008
Henning, we'll be taking this step.
 said on
November 22, 2008
Cool! Looking forward to it!

Fortunately this time a Chinese friend & co-worker helped me out and explained most of the presented mistakes to me.

Anyway, this is definately some levels above my head - I am proud when I ocasionally fully understand the question and all answer options without any dictionary cheating.

And vocab like 藤条植物 still feels like an unexpected blow below the belt... :)
 said on
November 23, 2008

imron has already given you a good answer. 我们一般说“接收信息”,指你可以收到的东西,比如信件什么的,但并不是会对你自身有影响的东西,而且接收的意思也更偏重于客观地说只是接到,我们不知道这个人接到以后的反应和态度。


 said on
November 23, 2008

我们也觉得在改错这道题上,提供正确答案和简明的解释是非常有用的,我们正在积极筹备,一步一步完善网站,未来你们肯定能看到的 :)


Mark Lesson Studied