Your collective success with the space dog film made a deep impression on us, which is why you're getting today's relic. We were amazed to find this on Youku in the first place, and then doubly surprised to discover the Chinese soundtrack. One additional hint: the section of the dialogue we've bleeped out contains the actual name of the film. So good luck, and if you recognize our mystery movie get your guesses in to for a chance to win big.
 said on
April 29, 2009
I have absolutely no idea what movie this is. David, where is your hometown?
 said on
April 29, 2009
@makana - I'm from Toronto, although I don't think that's much of a hint. We've already had a couple of successful guesses on this one. It's the strange voice at the end that either gives it away or doesn't, I think.
 said on
April 29, 2009


 said on
April 29, 2009
I saw this as a kid in the THEATERS. That's how old I am... 哇哇哇哇! rock on trevelyan.
 said on
April 30, 2009
I don't think I've seen this. I can't think of a single film that was made in Toronto either. :(
 said on
May 2, 2009

Surfing through the IMDB, we see that Steve Guttenberg will shortly star in a film called "The Gold Retrievers: Legend of the Lost Treasure". We very much look forward to seeing the Chinese dub.