Film Friday this week is brought to you by Brendan, David and Gail, Echo having been waylaid by a nasty cold. And the topic? Our clip this week has all the mandarin you'll need to warm the heart of someone special. It's all about love. So listen up and if you think you can identify our mystery film, be sure to write to be entered in our weekly draw for a month of free premium access to Popup Chinese.
 said on
November 8, 2009
I remember getting really misty-eyed over this scene when I was 9 or 10. And I'm surprised that Brendan made it through the 80s without seeing this one - unless you're all younger than I think you are.
 said on
November 9, 2009

How is it you've never seen Say Anything before? That's just crazy talk! Say Anything is simply too 经典 to be missed!

 said on
November 9, 2009
@toneandcolor - that's hilarious. I did a double-take when I heard the first groan. great movie.
 said on
November 9, 2009
I'm actually not sure how I've managed to miss seeing so many movies -- but there it is. Shameful confession: I've never even seen The Godfather, though having read the book and grown up in South Philadelphia, I feel like I've kind of seen it by osmosis.
 said on
November 9, 2009
I've managed to miss a great deal of classic movies too, my closet is filled to the point of overflowing with dusty skeletons. Growing up here on the west coast and in Los Angeles, it's quite shameful that I've missed so many of the great classics like 开放的美国学府,惊爆点 and 双龙一虎闯天关.

 said on
November 13, 2009
@Xiao Hu - I recognized 33% on the movie titles in your post. Got 惊爆点 right away (great movie and a nice translation!), but missed 开放的美国学府 (kicking myself) and had no clue about 双龙一虎闯天关 (not kicking myself). You might be pleased to know that all three have now been added to our dictionary for the benefit of future generations. :)

* reminds self to watch 惊爆点 again.... *
 said on
November 13, 2009
"The secret caves. The old lighthouse. The lost map. The treacherous traps. The hidden treasure. And Sloth..."

 said on
November 14, 2009

Glad to be of service! I can't wait to see them displayed for the masses, viewed by 十四多亿人 in all their popup glory!!!...for posterity of course.