"And then there was the time a fight almost broke out in our studio over the Tokyo metro...."

Our advanced Chinese podcast for today another merciless onslaught of full-speed, native-level Chinese. Hosted by Nicole who you might know from our site for learning Cantonese, it showcases a mix of both northern and southern accents, and covers a topic is dear to the hearts of everyone struggling to get by in Beijing: commuting and the toll it takes on your work-life balance. Listen in and then let us know how you're coping too.
 said on
May 29, 2011
Thank you for posting a new advanced podcast; and a great topic as well. :-)
 said on
May 31, 2011
For some reason the vocabulary words audio files are not working. Don't know if anyone else noticed this.
 said on
May 31, 2011
Yes... there's a problem with this one. Seems related to our recording and uploading service. Not sure what the issue is, but will see what we can do with it tomorrow morning. Apologies for the inconvenience everyone.
 said on
May 31, 2011

Nice to hear your voice on Popup Chinese. 我觉得你来到我们泡泡中文主持这个播客非常不错!关于commuting,我以前住在洛杉矶,那里的路总是很堵,当我住在那个城市的时候我工作的地方离我家40多英里,虽然我的commute的方向和商务中心是刚好相反的不过早上的commute是一个半小时,下午回家的commute的时间更长,一般是两个多小时。我只好换很多高速公路的线路而走很绕的路才能减少我commute的时间。美国发生了经济危机以后汽油贵的很拼车的人很多所以高速公路的车子大概少了一半左右。当然这样的现象对我的commute不说是好的,突然我早上的commute一下子变成了半个小时到45分钟,晚上的commute时间和早上差不多而且没有必要走绕的路,连通过商务中心的高速公路都可以很顺畅得走。


对了,how do you say "commute" and "commuter" in Chinese?
 said on
June 1, 2011
@Xiao Hu



commute在中文叫做 通勤,但是很少人在口语里说这个词语,都根据不同的上下文说,比如“上下班”“往返”之类的。
 said on
June 4, 2011

 said on
June 4, 2011




 said on
June 7, 2011
 said on
June 7, 2011

哈哈,她是我们Popup Cantonese的主持人,你应该能猜到她是哪儿的人了吧? :)


 said on
August 5, 2011
In my view this was one of your best lessons. Really interesting, though demanding! It would be marvellous if you could record some more similar conversations on other topics. What about something on modern literature for example?
 said on
August 6, 2011

Thanks :) We're working on putting up more Advanced shows like this. Thanks for your topic suggestion. We'll see if we can make a show on that.


 said on
March 20, 2012
才到了这节课程,觉得真的很不错! 支持 将来的课能不能在PDF上包括更多词汇?:)
 said on
March 21, 2012



 said on
March 21, 2012
@maxiewawa @ckristiansen


