Today we are pleased but mystified to present another edition of Popup Total Request Live, this time with an advanced show directed at the astonishingly large number of you (N > 1) who have written in to request a Chinese-only discussion on dental hygiene. Facing the incredulity of the rest of the office, Echo tried to explain your enthusiasm to us as follows. "It's because everyone loves the dentist," she said. "It's like a holiday when you take a day off work to go to get your teeth cleaned or have oral surgery."

So if you enjoy this podcast you should write to express your gratitude for her tireless efforts to bring this show to reality. The rest of us disavow any responsibility for it and are working hard to produce more family-friendly shows -- like the upcoming sequel to our plunger episode.
 said on
April 6, 2012
Love this lesson! I give it 5 stars *****

The topic is great and very relevant (to me) as I had two oral surgeries not too long ago. Also, I like that fact that it is all in Chinese and it is one of the more advanced podcasts within the advanced series. The longer length is great too, nearly 18 minutes.

Hope to see and hear more like this in the future :-)

 said on
April 8, 2012
请帮忙翻译成汉语“My mouth is numb from the novocaine"


怎么翻译“Bodybuilders muscles are fake and unnatural because they use steroids"

 said on
April 8, 2012

My mouth is numb from the novocaine: 打了麻药,我的嘴麻了

Bodybuilders muscles are fake and unnatural because they use steroids: 健美先生 or 小姐的肌肉不是真的、自然的,因为他们用了激素


 said on
April 8, 2012
 said on
April 10, 2012
What is 高 saying to Echo at 6:41 (to 6:44) "那够难受, 你肯定还有。。。。。。。?"

多谢! :o)
 said on
April 10, 2012


a mouth opener keep your mouth open.

 said on
April 10, 2012

 said on
June 27, 2012
这个播客非常好。 其实我妹妹是搞牙科的. 她说人的牙齿好坏有几个原因:

基因有一定的关系,但是最关键的是人怎么保养。 每天需要刷三次牙,不要用力刷,一定要轻轻的刷。要用很软的牙刷,最好刷牙之前把牙刷泡在温水里2-3分钟, 这样牙刷会更软。最好每次刷完牙也用牙线,但一天用一次牙线也可以。 最后用漱口水. 她推荐的牌子是Listerine 因为它杀细菌的效果是最好的。

还有,一定要定期去检查,洗牙,拍片字, 等等。 这种习惯是从小就开始。 (我们家的老大是三岁多一点, 刚刚去她那儿洗过牙)。 按照美国牙医协会的推荐是每半年一次。关于经常美白牙, 她说这确实对牙齿不太好。 她说对牙齿和牙龈最有害的是吸烟和咀嚼烟草。

西方人, 尤其是美国人,对牙的观念很重视。 我们从小就认为一个美丽的笑容是很重要的。孩子带着牙箍是家常便饭。 我和我妹妹十几岁时都带过。 而且睡觉时都要带牙套为了固定牙齿的整形。


 said on
June 27, 2012



 said on
June 27, 2012






祝大家都有一个健康美丽的笑容 :D

 said on
June 27, 2012
@ amber,

这是一个很普遍的误解。 我太太来美国之前也是这样想的。 其实你要是只刷牙的话, 你永远没法把牙洗干净。 为什么呢? 因为你的牙缝里面会有很多刷不掉的食物。你不用牙线把它清洗掉会导致口臭,牙龈炎, 和龋齿,还有一些更严重的问题。

洗牙和美白牙齿的区别是: 洗牙是把牙齿和牙床洗干净,美白是把牙齿漂白。

The human mouth is the pefrect breeding ground for bacteria. Food particles left bettween the teeth and around the gum line turn to plaque, become quite nasty and rotten, and cause halitosis, gingivitis, tooth decay and loss, and can even lead to more serious dental and general health issues.

Professional dental floss is very very thin and does not cause a gap in the teeth. In contrary, it removes all the food particles that brushing cannot reach, leaving the space between the teeth free, clean and clear. Of course proper flossing technique is crucial and improper flossing can damage the gums. For someone that has never flossed before it is best to seek the advise of a dental professional i.e. dentist or dental hygienist.

I will admit that Americans are obsessed with cleanliness and dental care (as Echo said in the podcast, you can generally tell where someone is from by their teeth). Poor dental care can in some cases be a real social problem. No one wants to be around someone with bad breath and really rotten teeth. Some may see this as superficial, and in some ways it is. But in our society (in the US) personal hygiene i.e daily showering, using deodorant, clean teeth and fresh breath are of high importance, especially in a professional office setting.

I know, way too much info in this post :-)

 said on
June 28, 2012
@ Echo,

我岳母和岳父也是这种情况。 那些年代的人没有这方面的意识。我也能理解。 他们当时的情况跟现在完全不一样。 他们能吃饱饭就已经很不错,根本考虑不到保护牙齿的问题。

听起来你跟我妹妹一样: 电动牙刷、牙线、漱口水一个都不能少 :-) 这是一个非常好的习惯。我觉得你说的那个中国牙医不是很专业,他说只是每一年洗一次牙。 这也让我很惊讶, 但是也是说明中国对牙的意识。 要是牙医觉得一年洗一次牙够了,那老百姓会怎么想? 两年一次? 我觉得很可怕。

你说你洗牙以后,刚开始的一两个星期牙齿都有点儿敏感。 我从来没有过。 不知到他们用的什么东西给你洗牙。 是不是他们过度用力给你洗牙? 或者他们用牙线的时太使劲? 一半情况下不因该这样, 尤其象你这样那么保护牙齿。

 said on
June 28, 2012

No, it's very very useful and important info, thank you!:)
