In recent news, Beijing University has disbanded its Chinese philosophy department. "We listened to the latest advanced show from Popup Chinese," department chairman Wang Xiaoming stated, "and realized that they nailed it... wrapping up essentially all outstanding academic disputes in a mere fifteen minutes." With no research remaining to be done and no need for further books on the matter, the professoriat is disbanding to focus on university administration.

Learning Chinese? There are a couple of philosophical debates in mandarin that form such a core part of the language that it's impossible to be a well-rounded Chinese speaker without being aware of them. The question of "original sin" is exactly one such issue: is evil inherent to the nature of man, or a product of social upbringing? We were curious how everyone at Popup Towers came down on this, which is why we invited Sylvia, Echo and David into our studio for a debate over 性本善 or 性本恶. Why not take a listen and let us know what you think?
 said on
December 5, 2013





 said on
December 10, 2013

Also, surely the amount of effort we expend debating the nature of good and evil suggests we're basically good. A truly evil species wouldn't bother struggling with morality when it could be out burning ants!
 said on
December 11, 2013



 said on
December 12, 2013
我非常喜欢听你们的讨论。 我只要说,虽然David的意见很有意思,我听高级能力的中文的时候,一点也不想要听英文。说实话,我讨厌。 有没有别人有一样的想法吗? David说中文说的那么差吗? 我想他应该试试看把!
 said on
December 13, 2013


至于天性善恶的问题,我觉得很复杂。我以前都主张,人性本恶。现在我有一岁半的小女儿,我开始读一些关于幼儿期发展的文章,才意识到这个问题有多复杂。研究者认为,小孩儿一直到两岁左右(当然有很多个体变异)才获得一种“心理理论" (theory of mind),就是说他们到一定的年龄才意识到自己跟别人有不同的感觉,不同的看法,不同的思想。在这个年龄之前,幼儿以为自己的期望和感情就是周围所有的人的期望和感情。在这个情况下,我们可以说孩子是“自私”的,但是,如果孩子真的还没意识到除了自己以外还有别人的话,这个还算自私吗?至少跟我们常常说的大人的“自私”有巨大的区别。我看到自己的女儿的时候,虽然她有时候听话,有时候不听话,我还是觉得“善”和“恶”这两个字不是最合适的说法。

 said on
December 15, 2013
我很欣赏你们三个人的声音,也很欣赏你们友好而认真的态度。你们这次选的哲学方面的题目也特别有意思。不过,我跟"楼上"几位同学的想法是一致的,在高级播客班很不想听有人讲英文!不管是David用英文介绍这次的节目,还是别的老师,也不希望听到中文和英文混在一起!比如:'“他们那么mean, 他们太cruel”!
 said on
January 16, 2014
@Paul makes a good point.

On the subject of American children and or individuals as a whole being cruel. It seems today that the American culture is on the extreme left regarding any sort of persecution or ridicule. There are legitimate discussions in Washington to literally outlaw speaking negatively about another person in public, and another movement to make it a crime to 'look lustfully' at a woman in public.

My Western influence forces me to side with David by the way. However, my wife is Chinese, and this may be her living for 4 years Stateside talking, she also believes people are inherently good natured.

I appreciate what all of you are doing. Keep up the great work!

 said on
February 19, 2014
I think original sin and original goodness is both wrong, because nothing is black and white. Good and evil are subjective and based on opinions. The majority belief of good as promoting the happiness of others while not hurting others should be accepted as truth, but it is still based on opinion.

The idea that people are born flawed because of cruel tendencies with or without ignorance might just be humans acting like animals. Animals can be cruel to each other and animals can be kind. Animals also recognize when they have the power over something else that's living. Perhaps it's not original sin that's the problem, but the idea that humans are morally or fundamentally better than animals. Humans have done a lot of things, but it doesn't mean that it's better than animals just doing what they've always done either.
 said on
February 19, 2014
In America bullying is bad, but I think it's not just because of America. In America you can be bullied for a lot of things, but it's the same in other countries. I think the difference depends on the country's culture - different societies will treat bullying and bully in different ways.
 said on
March 6, 2014

 said on
September 6, 2016