posted by Xiao Hu on April 22, 2014 | 2 comments
It just happened to me again, reviewing system vocab with the express purpose of leveling up and...the system froze ...once again without adding points. I've been stuck at around 55,000 for God only knows how long. It doesn't look like I'm going to be joining the ranks of our Drummerboy and company any time soon.

RIP little red panda.

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trevelyan on April 24, 2014 | reply
@Xiao Hu,

Have you tried logging out and then logging in again? The score is kept up-to-date in cookies and updated in the backend database separately. So I'm guessing if that is a problem logging in again will fix it. No?

Xiao Hu on April 25, 2014 | reply

Yes, I tried it, but it's still at 55,000 and some change.