posted by Welcome on March 16, 2009 | 0 comments
We've just enabled our new vocabulary import feature. You can find it on the right sidebar of your vocabulary page. This tool allows you to upload files that contain words and have them added to your vocabulary list right on our site.

The files you provide should be either comma or tab separated, and contain the following four fields in any order:

  • simplified Chinese
  • traditional Chinese
  • pinyin
  • English

And yes, we mean any order. If you give us a list of Chinese words (one word per line) that is about the simplest way to get data into the system. If there is more than one field our server will analyze the data you provide to figure out which fields are which before we insert them into your vocabulary lists. Our overriding goal is to make things as easy as possible for YOU. With that in mind, complaints about how we can improve it are very welcome.

And of course, if you use this and run into problems, please let us know (ideally send us a copy of the file that caused you problems so that I can tweak our algorithms and eliminate them). We're planning to expand our import function to support other file formats such as Pleco and Wenlin and Anki in the near future. If you have any suggestions on formats you'd like to see reach light of day sooner rather than later please let us know.

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