trevelyan on May 8, 2012
What's happening when the review ends abruptly like that is that it has been asked to test you on something it doesn't have the data for. In your case it looks like this has happened because your account previously had english-definition testing enabled, but the word you were scheduled to review lacked an english definition. As we add more test modes to the system (i.e. we just added multiple-choice pinyin review this morning), this problem will minimize, since the review feature will automatically adjust to select different testing formats depending on what data is available in the system. It's only when there are no other available options that it charges ahead with a multiple choice and then gives up.
I believe the source of the problem is that these lists have been imported from Pleco XML files, and Pleco does not export its actual english definitions. This means that only the pinyin and chinese characters are available for some content in your imported wordlists (we provide definitional data for entries where they exist in our dictionary, but that doesn't provide 100% coverage). So the solution is either to add the missing definitions manually or expand your testing options to include at least one pinyin-centered test, at which point words without english definitions should default to testing on pinyin.
We obviously need to have a custom error message when this sort of thing happens, since it is an error rather than a finished test and I know you haven't been the only one confused by this. I'll see if I can put something together today that will communicate this problem more clearly. I'm not sure there is really a better or automated solution to this though since we want to give people full control over selecting and unselecting test options, and can't really control what edits people make their vocab lists.... Suggestions very welcome though.
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