Xiao Hu on April 22, 2012
While we're on the subject of using science and technology to boost our language performance, besides testing and exercises, I'd love to see a ranking system that's categorized, like in the NBA, they don't just count points, they also count blocks, asists, steals. etc.

On Popup, our new ranking system would, not only have an cummulative score of overall testing time put in, it would also rank lesson exercise scores, test scores, HSK test scores (for each level), count those with the quickest answers, the highest percentage of correct answers, the most "native" pronunciation, the most correct grammar, the best listening comprehension, the best reading comprehension and the most correct writing.

The way I see it, this is just a matter of running a program that calculates all the different statistics using different permutations (I hope I'm using that word correctly here), in other words, it analyzes the data in different ways. It would also display pie charts, graphs, lists, naked statistics, etc. It would also be helpful to know where one ranks in the grand scheme of things, as right now we only know where we rank among the top 20. If we fall below the top 20, we could have this data available to be analyzed and ranked, at least on our own personal account control panel.

The ranking would look something like this:

听力 #28

阅读 #47

口语 #88

语法 #49

This information should also be able to be displayed in account pages as grades, A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F , and/or with percentages.

I think it would be very helpful because we can use the information as a gauge our progress, and to know where we're weaker and where we're stronger.

I'm 100% confident that I would score on the higher side of listening and speaking but much lower in grammar, writing and miserably low in handwriting. When we see the scores boldly staring us in the face, it becomes a motivating factor to improve. When we see our scores improve, it then takes on the role of positive reinforcement thereby motivating us to continue to improve, as well as to know where we should put the time in to improve.

The system would also make suggesstions based on our strengths and weaknesses. Right now it only suggests lessons. A more scientific system would analyze the strengths and weaknesses and suggest, in a more pointed and specific way, what we could do to improve in those area. Giving us the big picture and enabling us to make a plan. IE: listen to a certain podcasts, review grammar, do more HSK grammar tests, do more speaking exercises, review flashcards, etc. As data is accumulated the suggestions would become more precise and pointed towards specific activities which could help us improve in each area of the language by making suggestions of specific types of exercises (like the ones listed above) that would help us improve.

Of course, for those who don't care about learning to read and write (which I hope EVERYONE would, but there are those out there who only care about speaking and listening), then those areas could be deselected in our personal control panel.

I think that this way we could know what kind of study plan we need and know better how to plan our study time and advance more quickly.

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