Brendan on March 8, 2011
@jyh - I've been meaning to go back and reread Lovecraft for a while - the last time was probably about ten years ago, though in recent years China Mieville's novels have given me the idea that I really should go back and look over Lovecraft again. I've got a few books in the to-read queue at the moment, and a more or less ungodly amount of translation work (including a very cool project that might get announced here once it's done), but I've been planning to take a vacation in May, so...Interesting that you mention Tim Burton. I didn't care much for most of his recent stuff, but enjoyed Big Fish immensely; then again, I'm a sucker for magical realism, even in celluloid form. (To which end, by the way, I always recommend 韩少功's work, particularly 马桥词典, which was translated by Julia Lovell as "A Dictionary of Maqiao.")
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