aeru on January 17, 2015
Dear Caoinjure,


i'm glad to see your message. I would enjoy the chance to have/be a language partner. I am still very much a beginner at Mandarin---我學習, but I do not have the chance to practise. I do have an English teaching qualification, which I have never really used.

Unfortunately, I cannot get skype, qq or wechat to work, so will have to use email: .

Please be in touch if you are willing.

A little bit about me:

我是澳洲人; 我是數學老師; 因為我的前女友是臺灣人,所以我使用繁體字; but I can switch to simplified! (I have also learnt zhuyin/bopomofo as well as pinyin... I'm fascinated by all aspects of language.)

I look forward to hearing from you.


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