hotpotmike on September 12, 2008
hmm.. originally i suggested the new menu layout as i thought the popupchinese content would be the main focus with user generated content as extra or separate, but now i see the true intentions of the platform. having a list of shows (which are actually user names), combined with real usernames who are also publishing content under their username, may cause some confusion. i think having user PopupChinese publish shows such as Absolute Beginners, instead of user Absolute Beginner publish a show will make more sense to a new user once they start using advanced areas of the site and using user generated content. it would also allow the user publishers to easily group similar content without multiple accounts.i definitely see huge potential in what you're doing.somehow i stumbled on na shi hua kai on the net back in 2004, and dl'd it. i've asked in various Chinese dvd stores in Toronto for it and nobody has it or has heard of it.
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