jasper.obviar on August 12, 2012
About 10 years ago, resistive touch screens (抵抗的) dominate the electronics market. You see them in electronic translators, cellphones, pda's, etc. Gadgets that used this technology were less responsive and you usually need to have a stylus to write on the screen.

The introduction of the capacitive (电容的) touch screen for cellphones was a game changer. Since the human body has built-in capacitance, you just need to use your fingers to write on the screen. I think this also lead to the elimination of the keypad that occupies half of the cellphone face.

So generally, it is safer to call touch-screen as 触摸屏, and say 电容屏 or 抵抗屏 if you want to be specific of what type of touch screen you are describing.

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