Noah.Pflugradt on June 15, 2012
Couple of suggestions:

- Make a true tagging function, meaning that each word can have one or more tags. Then there should be a list of all tags with the number of words in brackets(like this: "Taxi driver (15)").

- Imported words should automatically tagged with something like "CSV-Import of myfile.csv 18.6.2012"

- It should be possible to select all the words from one or more tags

- Make it a bit more obvious that the review function reviews only selected words

- Make the columns customizable and let us select which columns we want to display

- Add two more custom colums: "SRS_Rank" and "Last review"

- Maybe a "Added on Date"-Column?

- If you want to get fancy, count the fails in the review too. Then display that too and let me export like all the words with more than 5 fails so that I can focus on studying those.

- Put in a word selection tool based on this idea:

You can see that implemented on google searches on the left side on the result page.

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